My thankyous --- CATCH ME ON FACEBOOK

Sunday, May 24, 2009

goodmorningzzzz zzzz

this is how my day starts
9:47 am
opening my eyes,
first thing, seaarch for my cell...
yes here it is and it shows 9 new msgs n 6 missed calls.
next thing i do is open the lid of my computer to find that i had not even put it in sleepmode, great the torrent is downloaded so tonight have a job to do.
to my left are my books, to my right is a lousy creature a.k.a my roomie.
k first i reply to the messages, and then grab my tshrt get out of the bed.
*yaawwnnnn* find my sleepers and rush to the loo.
go to the refrigerator and get some water, wash my face, take a look around...
pick up my books, put them on the table, clean my bed a bit, take of my sleepers off go back to the bed, play sum yanni and close my eyes and sleep again
i know every undergraduate has the same way to start d morning....
sleeeeeeeeeeepzzzzzzzzzz zzzz zzzz


funkyrave said...

haha very true..!!
I just miss d cleaning part!! lollz

surbhit said...

waise i dont do that evryday

vandy said...

just a bit of difference ,,,,,,,,,,,i open my eyes,,,,,,,,,,,,grab my cell,,,,n chk fr any comments on my blog,,,,,,,,rest everything same

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