My thankyous --- CATCH ME ON FACEBOOK

Thursday, November 5, 2009

:( sadness

I dont have words to describe the pain.
Never before my face was so expressionless.
The joy of moving to a new place is not worth the sadness that has filled my heart.
The tears on the brink of my eyes are not aware,
whether its for the loss, or the newly found joy.
Friends and foes, bitter fights and silly jokes,
bitching and back biting will miss everything.
Forgive me for once , and for all
'coz if I pained you or hurt your feelings.

PS: written by a friend who means the world to me


funkyrave said...

Wait a min, did u move to a new place? When and where??
and whats going on?..

vandy said...

awesome blossom

Neeraj Agrahari said...

मैं जानता हूँ यह अवश्य ही हमारे सर्वप्रिय, सर्वगुण संपन्न एवं कर्तव्यपरायण रजनी भैया जी के द्वारा लिखित लेख है| हालांकि मैं उनसे दूर हूँ परन्तु न जाने क्यूँ उनके इंदौर छोड़ने की वजह से मैं भी अवसाद से ग्रसित हूँ | आशा है की मेरा यह सन्देश उन तक अवश्य पहुचेगा |

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