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Thursday, January 8, 2009

happy new year :)

Happy new year.
it feels good when you are with your friends enjoying the new year's eve, but for me it was different.i was reminiscing the days when i used to celebrate it with my parents.My mother's embracemy brother's giftmy dad's snores(:P).it was a very monotonous way of celebrating the eve. But i used to love it.
30th evening
it was usually at the club where my eyes were always scanning the delicacies.The elders were usually busy with a few games of housie and endless gossips.Anyways i seldom got any bite before anyone.I always found kids there very very humdrum.The girls disscusing some mind-numbing topics like and boys taling about ganguly sachin n length of skirts.I was always interested in the kitchen because i used to have a barrel of laughs with the cook.His bulky tummy always was a reason of laughs between us.Anyways it used to end with the aroma of the sweet dishes.(i always used to have this before the main course meal.)Then MUM N DAD used to get a gift for showing up, like everyone. My brother always was missing when we had to leave soi used to search the monster and hand him over to the cagemaster (read father).
31th Evening
I used to get up early, there was this shortlived excitement in me cos i always thought that this will be a day of merriment and gaietyBy the evening i was usually seen checking out the newspaper for the schedule of special 8-12 movies.the same old way of having dinner the only difference was that my mum used to watch the movie with me and my dad used to give his bestto sleep with open eyes. He always failed though.The movie used to end and the screen of the television was packed with virtual fireworks and happy new year messages.The phonebell used to wake up my dad and tell my mum that i should be back to my bed.
Now that i am in a city far away from my home no one tells me to go to sleep.there are no 8-12 movies.there are no precincts for me to crossthere are no snores (i can't obviously hear mine)i slept at 12:30 this new years and i was missing my home like anything.
but m ought to sayhappy new yearwats happy in this new year when i am away from my family??the monster gave me the perfect answerit's the joy of going back home after six months":)"happy new year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year.. :D
sorry for the late comment..
waise i dont ave much to say on dis...
just dat..u need to update... its been a long time...

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