Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
come, fall in love
tarun kaushik writes again, this time about the most wonderful feeling.... love
Es verletzt, um jemand zu lieben, a german phrase meaning- “It hurts when you love” on the thirsty lips of Hilbert , madly in love with Annaleisa and a tiny drop of tear kissing down the cheeks of Hilbert were the testimony of the fact that all dreams of Hilbert which at the verge of actualization once, turned to restless illusions in no time. It looks as if thunders of dirty gray monstrous clouds would have enveloped the first ray of cherishing sunshine and nature came to standstill. He was caught in a maelstrom of emotions. Blackness had just given way to the only glowing candle of love and suddenly a strong breeze of ruthlessness shattered even that hope of enlightenment as Annaleisa turned down the quest for immense love Hilbert had for the lady. Does love really hurt?
Let’s go deep into the ocean of love and try to understand the real elixir of this unavoidable enigma. How often it happens that every letter of a single word signifies a different aspect, still combines all to form quite a powerful meaning. Love is that extremely angelic feeling which encourages you to be lonely amongst cocophony , riding high on horse of fantasies. Its an oath which one takes naturally as he finds himself in it. It is a victory for those who could recognize it and an indefinite source of that energy which forms the only means of survival for the rest part of your life.
Sometimes a mere imagination can place you into such a frame of mind from where everything looks clear and distinct. One early morning as you woke up, found urself amidst that ethereal feeling which can only be felt in an environment where every single entity dares to wear the crown of the most beautiful on earth. A colorful rainbow adding to the elegance of the crystal clear sky and its various colors spreading to each and every corner of life. The late night dew forming the plasmatic memberane of every nascent leaf adding to the liveliness of the atmosphere. The sweet fragrance extending a buoyant welcome to the love in the air. All this stimulates the thrilling positive vibes in the core of your heart as if someone might have tickled the rested strings of a violen. And when such like is the atmosphere , suddenly someone’s image flashes across your mind and those bittersweet memories add to the extra shine engrossing your face along with a mild smile. This indelible feeling is termed TRUE LOVE.
Pregnancy period is the most painful times for any woman. In those testing circumstances husband nurtures his lady like a nascent seedling, that she feels on the top of the world. Husband tries in every possible way not to avoid every minor requirement which is must for her or may please her. Those regular visits for medical check-ups and repeatedly asking doctor about her health. The coming baby who is still to enlighten the world, with his birth lays down the seeds of further strenghthening bond between his parents.this is true love.!
For some true love looses its significance without sex. Is it really true? Or is it just a perception of those who feel its true? Ask this question to a lady whose life is ruined as her husband is hiv positive. What next? What she must do now? Whether she should be courageous enough to fight this battle of loneliness or should surrender and make a separate path. Don’t be surprised if she decides to be with her husband even after this ineffable trauma and help him to come out of this. This is true love!
In a garden,a flirty cherishing red rose is keenly eying a gorgeous lily but not able to continue it further , as a cool breeze of air helps shying lily to hide itself further into the bouquet of blossoming flowers. This leaves a charming couple sitting on a deserted bench in the same garden in a state of enviness. Those walking hand in hand on the lonely lanes and sipping from the same cup of tea trying to feel each other’s presence even more. This defines yet another dimension of love.
Today’s Salim carries dauntless determination to cross seven oceans to achieve his beloved and impress her and Anarkali also dares to have the will of leaving all the boundaries dwindling into insignificance when it comes to her love life.
When you are in love,you find yourself cut from the stirring transitoriness of the world and your every thought belongs to your beloved. When this love further deepens you get married which is termed in our society as “love marriage”.love symbolizes freedom but the melodrama starts when love gives way to insecurity. Husband wife are like two poles of a single magnet both are part of one entity but still each has a sense of fear regarding the external pole’s attraction. Unfortunately in few cases, love birds of once turn to bitter enemies which should not be the case.
Naina : you are again late.
Rajeev : had an important meeting, dear.
Naina : why are you lying?
Rajeev : me lying. Excuse me, are you alright?
Naina : I am.but think you are not in the best of spirits.
Wonder who naina and Rajeev are? Actually, Rajeev had promised naina a candle light dinner. don’t misinterpret them as a married couple , then what else? Live in relationship? Well, it’s a new formula that the new generation is experimenting with to know each other well before the marriage.so, how efficient is this method and does it provides a pragmatic solution to the current problem of clashes in the newly wedded couples? Pluses and minuses have always marked the feasibility to persist in a society but optimism creeps in when this institution lights a hope of an impeccable life partner.
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistablydesired. Come,fall in love
Fall in love with someone who could enlighten your world of dreams,
Someone who could provide the zeal and zest for your life to rock,
And someone who could make you feel the most significant on earth as symphony of love creates melodies of sentiments in every heart.but don’t forget to respond to each and every feeling of your beloved with a sense of honesty and an infallible faith because when heart break it REALLY HURTS !
Thursday, November 5, 2009
:( sadness
Thursday, October 29, 2009
life meets at NH-8 @ 9 AM
CHEK OUT .....
Well, it was the last hairpin to be attached,
Into the beautiful blossoming bouquet
But the alarming sound of the car interrupted,
She looked back with lack of amazement
But full of anguishness and disagreement
Seems wanted to convey a small message
Which must have been something like that,
Car has no wings and if it would have had
She would have flew over the the bloody traffic jam.
And as if that was not enough,
Cab upfront took an emergency break,
With no mercy taking the poor car bumper on stake.
The scene, a regular one on our NH8 and in style if we say,
Life meets NH8 at 9:00 AM everyday.
Peak office hours, lack of synchronized traffic,
Haphazard moving vehicles and
Some more uncontrolled tragic
But the significant part ,amidst all these drama,
People still reach their offices with 10 min of dilemma
Life in a metro is we all talk about,
Sometimes even proud of living the way we walk out.
But is there anything more to talk of,
Same weekends every time, though we wait for.
May be a beer or two or even a disc can’t be ruled out.
For smokers, it’s not an issue as it hardly cuts the number short.
But that’s not possible on all the weekends
When your mom firing bombs on your head end.
You have still to complete those boring family assignments,
Which you hate to be made a part of but you have all the commitments
And what if your dad caught you making plans for some cool outing,
A fury of unwanted suggestions which makes you feel like shouting.
And take my word dude; your evening is completely done.
And you realize how time runs.
Go for early sleep without any sorrow
As Sunday is the only thing waiting for you tomorrow.
Sun on high and family waiting for you in the dining room,
And you left your bed around 12:00 in the noon.
Few plans getting through, few still to get executed,
And others only into the making though unexpected.
But most of them getting dumped which certainly is not a new thing,
As the records of last 12 weekends bring.
And as the sun set himself to reach the other end of sky,
Sunday had met with yet another speechless and a boring cry
Hardly had you decided the combination of your next day wearing,
Even shoes could not get polished with the night disappearing.
Moreover you don’t even know when the last song kept repeating,
Until your mom switched off your PC and found you sleeping.”
Get ready for the day my son”, you can hear his voice
Bringing you out of your dreams without your own choice
Hey that’s your dad and a cup of tea lying beside you
Eyes going straight to the nearest watch and you need to run through.
Monday blues gets further worsened,
When your cab driver warns you again
“Sir, you could have been left today as well” and you can feel your vein.
What else man!! Yet another journey starts in its way
Through NH8 which meets life at 9:00 AM everyday.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
she had to come
He decided to wait till he died/
She had to come it took her sometime
one day she came back saw him bleedin n dying....
that was d day she realisd what true love means
d guy had to wait for her
god had to cry angels had to weep,
cus they were not together
like flowes blossom again
like sunligh shines after the dark
they had to bear some pain
but they were not destined to be apart
reincarnated once again they came together
n dey stayed together for d moment dat had to last forever...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
When they smile
Wonder if that was his last step but the soldier overcame the last threshold, hundred odd guns eyeing his head with an array of high beam lights cutting darkness into pieces and allowing him no time to set himself up when he realized that he had crossed border leaving his men on the other side.
For a moment , he scanned through all his life and engrossing his mind were those major or minor occasions , his family , his dreams and all he could have thought of in that fraction of second .And now came that flashing smile with dimples on his cheeks forming the two ends of an endless rainbow.His enemy was in complete disarray. With such an expression on his face but the soldier knew that this was his moment and now he took a second step towards his enemy with his gun roaring high on his shoulder trying to diminish his enemy into the lands of uncertainity .A bullet came and dug into his chest and still he fired few of his enemies out of their lives but the second bullet did him on his knee and third and then fourth and many more left him kissing the princess of his dreams.This princess was his own land whom he loved and died for though his mother would have loved to have a bride for him as he a was a bachelor.
In all this what would amaze anyone is that enlightening piece of smile which marked the royal end of soldier.How often people forget to smile as they say there is no reason to smile but what about this soldier who could find a reason even at the end of his life , though it was not an end but the beginning of an era of many other soldiers who would inspire themselves to achieve something similar to this great patriot.If you smile, you fetch an energy to win every moment and a thirst to achieve every phase with destiny opening the doors of success for you .Few say its hard to bring a smile when you are in the worst state of your life .But for those who think like that, life is full of such good and bad instances its just our mentality that everytime we get stuck , we consider it the worst part of the whole story of which we are the characters with our heads against wall trying to sort it out by hook or by crook.
Problem and solution are two dead ends of a rope which we have to hold throughout our lives .Waving the rope is mesmerizing the problem and thus solution gets further out of of the catch.Just keep that rope down somewhere and calmly try to join the two ends together and that is in other words , thinking over the the matter and analysing the situation and thus finding the solution .This was a small inference of what one can follow in all his mind boggling activities where he feels that coming out is like snatching a prey out of the lion’s jaw.
Live it with a bang, see forward , the whole world has laid down eyes for your arrival , prove your metal and show them that you are the best but all this needs a smile on your face and that will win you success in all the phases and spheres of life.
PS: This is an original post by Tarun Kaushik from delhi.
you can get to him on his mail id: tarun.sagittarius@gmail.com
Saturday, October 17, 2009
happy diwali
Thursday, October 8, 2009
'ome sweet 'ome
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
what a day!!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
mera budday
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Exams five days away and you still don't know a word.
A friend comes to rescue, but god aint willing to help you either.
Serious stomach infection, and exams 4 days away.
Anyways, they read out the stuff to you and somehow you make to the exam room realising that you forgot your calculator.
anyways exams were not what fanned me. It was how the things around were moving. Seeing a person , becoming friends and realising that he is no more.
old friends calling, ignoring your requests and severe castigation on your way daily. A toady person, getting his way to the top, and you losing the post.
joining a ravelry with a spineless guy who runs away when you have a fight with other elephantic bodies around you.
Drivng and crashing again....
cought by the cops, admonished and left.
a big faux pas which costed me Rs. 4k.
A helping new friend to tell you what struggle is.
Seeing your old friends to find new ones. :) :)
hospital, deaths , detestations , execrations
heart sunken deep inside a trough.....
everything goin the wrong way....
no support
no love
a friend says, god is testing u.
i say, how many times.
PS: bloggong seriously helps u wid ur emotional outburst.... ;)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
for you, lol.........o
Saturday, June 6, 2009
at the corner of the maze
mobile network, i take my mum's cell.
I gift her with bills of 3k or infact the maximum has been 4.5k.
She yells, shouts and tells me that this should be the last time.
I like an obidient son, agree.
But next time the story repeats itself.
""It's really hard to hate the ones you love, and when you don't find a
reason at all.""
My emotions have undergone so many changes , seeing a ray of hope and
then seeing it diminish.
I feel like a bad guy , hurt and in pain. Exams at the corner and i am still
clueless of what is in the book.
I work, i walk, i laugh...i play i smile i cry.
but everything reminds me of something which is not with me anymore.
Love, they say is neverending.
but sometimes, somethings get above love and you are so into to that
feeling that calling it ends doesn't feel possible.
I try to be busy,
joining firms, taking classes, driving, and everything to keep my mind
life sometimes takes turns that are just not possible for you to
it took a turn for me before, i accepted it. Cus i had some source of
what to do when that source of motivation is gone???
PS: i decided i wont blog, but thanx to neeraj agrahari, ravi porwal,
rajani ranjan, deepak bedi and a few more that i am continuing.
they told me they like my blog, and i should write.... tc
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
it's good to thank the one who deserve to b thanked
Monday, May 25, 2009
when the emotions get drained!!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
goodmorningzzzz zzzz
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
dere goes my virtual shoe
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
: X :X
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
my new ride !!!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009
whatta journey!!!
back to the college.
Hungry, nuthin to eat....
and can't buy anything to eat.
i am very tired was moving all day long!!!!
xrays crossing me and my brain.
all the broken areas wispering in my ear that i am not normal.
all tired, and you board the train.
dirty one i tell u...
u call a friend.
hear a sweet voice telling you that there are your friends ready to wake up early(thats a tough job, wen u hav3 days of brain numbin questions and only day off is sunday)
but then they will.
and they plan to get color to wish me a belated holi.
someone wants me to stay but wont say, but even i can't stay i have work.
missed about one month of my college... and now when i go back all i have is 1 month to cover everything, cus its my brothers marriage after one month.
i got a goodie bad too.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
will deliver it tommorrow morning.
i hope it's likes all i have put in this goodie bag is just love and care.
n for them who are getting colors for me.
i'd b most glad to see dem and i got chocolates forthem too.
i hope as i thought oofff i get to deliver the smiles m carryin in my bag and in my heart
luv y'all
ok i thot i'l end this blog but now sumthin happened tha forces me to type forward.
i reached bhopal and my a very special friend there.
waiting for me with roses in hand....
i got down, gave the goodies bag...
and everything was so good untill one friend came and he had colors.
5 friends and me, friends meeting for 30 mins.
The train moved and i was sure that it was not actually moving but just the engine being changed.
they pushed me back, no hugs and no byes just "go go go it's moving."
i was up in the train but was praying with all my heart that ...god plzzzzz stop the train and he did!!!
lol!!! got down called them n dey came running to me, the the first very special friend of mine hugged me.
friends are no less den gems,
n when i hav people like you
life rocks!!!!
thanx all thanx fer the roses
and i guess i delivered the smiles
:D :D
PS: someone was touched and i am sure of this.
and than the idlis were awesome but they would've tastes better with a spoon...
m smilin and people in the train are looking at me as if m a mad guy.
i am no doubt
leave your comments.... i'l be glad to hear from your side too